Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

Hyunseong Twitter Update

[B.F현성]베프에게 첫 앨범을 주고 싶어서멤버들과 생각한 아이디어! 어제, 오늘 행운의 주인공이 되신 팬분들! 즐거우셨나요?^^ 다음엔 버스 빌려서 다같이 타자~♥더운데 응원와준 우리 베프 힘난다! 늘 감사해요!
[B.F Hyunseong] The members would like to give our thoughts and ideas on the first album with BestFriend! Yesterday, and today we had lucky fans! Did you enjoy it?^^ Next time let’s rent and ride a bus together~♥Our BestFriend cheered even though it’s hot! We’re thankful!
[BF Hyunseong] Para anggota ingin memberikan pikiran kita dan ide di album pertama dengan bestfriend! Kemarin, dan hari ini kita memiliki penggemar beruntung! Apakah Anda menikmatinya ^ ^ Lain kali mari kita menyewa dan naik bus bersama-sama ~? bestfriend kami bersorak meskipun itu panas! Kami bersyukur!

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